Invited Session on Advanced Modeling, Analysis and Control Techniques and Emerging Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters

Organizers: Jinyu Wang, Nanyang Technological University, Shunfeng Yang, Southwest Jiaotong University

Modular multilevel converters (MMCs) have been recognized as the most promising solution for high-voltage-high-power applications, such as high voltage DC (HVDC) transmission systems and received lots of attentions in the past decade, from both academia and industry. Besides, due to their attractive features, e.g. modular structure, flexible scalability, low semiconductor stresses, high efficiency, superior waveform quality, as well as enhanced reliability, etc., they have expanded to other applications, such as flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), high-power motor drives, static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), energy storage systems and power electronic transformers, etc. Despite all these distinctive advantages and the wide potential application prospect, MMCs demand more complicated modeling and analysis techniques as well as sophisticated control systems because, compared with traditional voltage source converters (VSCs), they possess a more complex structure and must manage multiple control objectives simultaneously. Furthermore, possible issues must be idetified and solved when they are employed in emerging applications. These challenges have been the main reason for recent and ongoing research.

Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions with topics including, but not limited to:

  • Circuit topology variations of modular multilevel converters
  • Analysis and modeling techniques of modular multilevel converters
  • Circuit/component parameters selection and optimization
  • Advanced modulation and control of modular multilevel converters
  • Fault analysis and tolerant operation of modular multilevel converters
  • Integration of new power devices in modular multilevel converters
  • Integration of renewable energy and energy storage with modular multilevel converters
  • Applications in HVDC, MTDC, FACTS, motor drives, power electronic transformers, smart grid, etc.

Please submit your full paper on the submission website by deadline.

Jinyu Wang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
Shunfeng Yang, Southwest Jiaotong University, China,